Monday, February 29, 2016

March madness ahead!

Psst! How are things on the near side, far side, ah okay your side? It is never a dull day over here. I move from a state of sleep to  break neck speeds or action and events. When I say no down time, that is exactly what it is. We keep it moving on this side. There is very little time to watch the sunrise, smell the proverbial coffee, smell the roses even, listen to the silence, listen to the heartbeat, taste and see how good God is, bear hug the family and give a long kiss goodnight. 

It is Monday. It is February 29th and according to the powers that be, it is an extra 24 hours in the year. Hmm...whatever. Why doesn't my body feel anymore rested? This could've been a Friday or weekend day and perhaps I would be more elated. 

Anyway, so what did you get up to today? How did you stretch yourself today?Any special plans, events, pranks or seriousness? Yes, seriousness.

It occurred to me today that I was zooming through my extra day of the year without even thinking about it. I needed to stop for a minute and savor the injection of this day because it will happen again in 4 years time. Things could look very different for me in four years. Good different or otherwise, it will be different. I began to sink that the least I could've done was make today a little different from yesterday or better yet, different from last Monday. For those of you who know me, it is a Monday and I just don't take well to Monday especially when it is a workday. So I spent the extra day just like last Monday. That is poor! 

Well to give myself some props one of my goals today was to teach with such passion that I touch a life forever. I did bring the passion. I pray that I did touch at least one life forever. That is usually my desire and goal. Daily I want to know that I inspire one student to turn things around academically, spiritually or personally or commit to having their own passion for learning and others ahead of self as their school 's mission states. 

As the year marches on I am committed to wake up and live, laugh and love life as I started to do on the first day of this year. I am crazy about life - it is a gift. I am mad about my loved ones - they accept me no matter what and without them I would be dreadfully alone and missing their human touch. I am in love with me - I am one of a kind and still evolving. 

I plan to bring you some inspiration, encouragement and sweet thoughts starting in March. The madness will begin with how you can rise up regardless of your current situation and outlook, just by taking the first step and sticking to it. 

So although I wasn't too fond of Monday and it seemed that I drudged through the day, I end like a phoenix rising from the ashes of blah. If as you visit you are inspired, please carry on and inspire someone else to rise up!